KIN4012 autumn 2009

Psychological structures in The Red Chamber Dream


 19 August
Text: Chapter 1
Background: 01 Self-expression
26 August
Text: Chapter 1
Background: 02 Psychological structures
2 September
Text: Chapter 1
Background: 07 Life is but a dream
9 September
Text: Chapter 3
Background: 03 Two pillars
16 September
As above
23 September
Text: Chapter 12
Background: 05 The frame
30 September
As above
4 November
Text: Chapter 25
Background: 03 Two pillars
11 November
As above
17 November
Text: Chapter 75
Background: 04 The main protagonist
24 November
As above
2 December
In this course, we will read excerpts from China’s greatest traditional novel, The Red Chamber Dream 紅樓夢, and analyse psychological and structural aspects of this text.
The main text has been downloaded from the internet, and we will compare it to some of the early manuscript versions.
For help in understanding the text, you may make use of two very good English translations: David Hawkes & John Minford’s The Story of the Stone, and Yang Hsien-yi & Gladys Yang’s A Dream of Red Mansions. The former is a literary masterpiece in its own right, while the latter is a very accurate translation.
Specialised dictionaries include 紅樓夢語言詞典 by 周定一 and 紅樓夢大辭典 by 其庸.
If you read Norwegian, you may get help with the reading of chapter 1 from the introduction called Rumen 1a/1b.
All participants will be asked to present background material for the rest of the class, possibly including excerpts from the following works:
Bā jiā píngpī Hónglóumèng 八家評批紅樓夢. Edited by Féng Qíyōng 馮其庸. Beijing: Wénhuà yìshù 文化藝術 1991.
Chén Qìnghào 陳慶浩 1986: Xīnbiān Shítóujì Zhīyànzhāi píngyǔ jíjiào zēngdìngběn 新編石頭記脂硯齋評語輯校. Taipei: Liánjīng 聯經.
Edwards, Louise P. 1994: Men & Women in Qing China: Gender in The Red Chamber Dream. Leiden: Brill.
Epstein, Maram 2001: Competing Discourses: Orthodoxy, Authenticity and Engendered Meanings in Late Imperial Chinese Fiction. Cambridge: Harvard University Asia Center.
Hú Shì 胡適 1988: Hú Shì Hónglóumèng lùnshù quánbiān 胡適紅樓夢論述全編. Shanghai: Shànghǎi gǔjí 上海古籍.
Huang, Martin W. 2001: Desire and Fictional Narrative in Late Imperial China. Cambridge: Harvard University Asia Center.
Li, Waiyee 1993: Enchantment and Disenchantment: Love and Illusion in Chinese Literature. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Lin, Shuen-Fu 1992: “Chia Pao-yü’s First Visit to the Land of Illusion: An Analysis of a Literary Dream in Interdisciplinary Perspective, CLEAR vol. 14 p. 77-106.
Wáng Guówéi 王國維 1904: ”Hónglóumèng pínglùn” 紅樓夢評論. Jiàoyù shìjiè 教育世界 June 1904.
Yu, Anthony C. 1997: Rereading the Stone: Desire and the Making of Fiction in Dream of the Red Chamber. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Yú Píngbó 俞平伯 1988: Yú Píngbó lùn Hónglóumèng 俞平伯論紅樓夢. Shanghai: Shànghǎi gǔjí 上海古籍.
Yu Ying-shih [Yú Yīngshí] 余英時 1978: Hónglóumèng de liǎng ge shìjiè 紅樓夢的兩個世界. Taipei: Liánjīng 聯經.